Feasible IV Regression without Excluded Instruments, [ArXiv], [Online Appendix], [Replication Package], (The Econometrics Journal, 2023)
Policy Spillover Effects on Student Achievement – Evidence from PISA, [Online Appendix], [Replication Package], (with Clara-Christina Gerstner, Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, 2022)
Neighbourhood Effects and the Incidence of Child Labour, [Paper], [Online Appendix], [Replication Package], (with Sylvanus Gaku, Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, 2021)
A Consistent ICM-based \(\chi^2\) Specification Test (with Feiyu Jiang, revise and resubmit - Econometric Theory), [ArXiv]
Clustered Covariate Regression (with Abdul-Nasah Soale, Under Review), [ArXiv], R Package: cluscov, [Replication Package]
Difference-in-differences with as few as two cross-sectional units – A new perspective to the democracy-growth debate (with Gilles Koumou, Under Review), [ArXiv]
A Distance Covariance-based Estimator (with Abdul-Nasah Soale), [ArXiv], [Latest_Version]
Treatment Effects in Staggered Adoption Designs with Non-Parallel Trends (with Brantly Callaway), [ArXiv]
Quantile and Distribution Treatment Effects on the Treated with Possibly Non-Continuous Outcomes (with Nelly K. Djuazon), [ArXiv]
ICM-IV Regression with panel and clustered data (with Feiyu Jiang)
Regression-Based Inference for Skewness and Kurtosis Coefficients (with Jean-Marie Dufour and Abderrahim Taamouti)
Space-Calibrated Estimation and Inference
Credit constraints and agricultural performance: Evidence from Nigeria (with Mahmoudou Alioum and Al-Mouksit Akim)